Register as a Taemaro Marae Beneficiary
Who can register?
To be eligible to register you must whakapapa to Taemaro
- I hereby declare the information I have supplied is true and correct
- I will contact Taemaro Marae Trust should any of my personal details change:
- I understand that the information I provide will be used by Taemaro Marae for the purposes of:
- Developing a Taemaro Marae Whānau Member data base
- Whānau engagement in marae interests e.g. marae re-build project including fundraising, wānanga, landclaim, mana whenua responsibilities, sports events etc.
- Staying in touch with whānau members
- Building a profile of whānau strengths/assets/skills
- Seeking mandate for representation on behalf of Taemaro Marae
- Accountability and information sharing with whanau
Taemaro Marae Trustees and committee will deal with this personal information in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1993 and the privacy principles stated therein.