Hui & Wananga – Sat June 2nd 2018
Join us from 11-4pm on Sat 2nd June 2018 at Te Whare Kauta, Taemaro Bay for our TMTC hui and wananga.
All welcome!
Join us from 11-4pm on Sat 2nd June 2018 at Te Whare Kauta, Taemaro Bay for our TMTC hui and wananga.
All welcome!
Kia ora whanau,
Want to support Taemaro Marae AND give a great gift this Christmas? Then check out some of our awesome Taemaro merchandise…
We have:
2018 Te Tai Tokerau calendars ($15 each) Beautiful photos which showcase the Far North
Taemaro polo shirts ($10 each) Limited sizes left but currently in stock are sizes: L, XL, 2XL and 3XL
Taemaro kid’s t-shirts (A bargain at $5 each!) Only sizes 6 and 8 left
Taemaro jute bags ($15 each) Perfect for shopping!
Please contact Anna Rainey by email if you’d like to order any of the above things:
Kia ora!
PS Images to come…
Wednesday 3rd Jan 2018
Meet: 9:30am near pohutukawa grove, wāhi tapu, northern end of bay.
Convoy to historic school site, future marae site on hill.
Leaving pohutukawa grove at 9:40am.
Wear good footwear and bring water bottles
Kia ora whanau,
Here are the details of our upcoming AGM and Wananga. We hope to see you there!
Taemaro Marae AGM & Marae General Hui
Date: Tuesday 2nd Jan 2018.
Where: Taemaro Whare Kauta
AGM: 11am – 12:30pm
Lunch: 12:30 – 1:30pm
Marae General Hui: 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Wednesday 3rd Jan 2018
Meet at 9:30am at the wāhi tapu Pohutukawa Grove at the Northern end of the bay.
Convoy to historic school site, future marae site on hill.
Leaving pohutukawa grove at 9:40am.
Wear good footwear and bring water bottles
AGM Agenda
General Marae Hui:
¨ Representation of Taemaro marae on Kahukuraariki Trust Board
¨ Carrying on from annual plan item – identify targets and dates;
¨ Identify calendar dates for 2018
Election of Taemaro Marae Trustee to Kahukuraariki Trust Board
Taemaro Marae trustees and committee (TMTC) did not support the passing into legislation of the Ngati Kahu Ki Whangaroa Deed of Settlement in August 2017. TMTC actively alongside other marae (Waitaruke, Waimahana and Taupo) and whanau members challenged its mandate, including the overwhelming majority of whanau members who voted at three separate hui-a-iwi a Vote of No Confidence in KTB. Nonetheless, the Crown and its agents continued its support. Substantive issues of concern have not been resolved.
Kahukuraariki Trust Board (KTB) have advertised they will be calling for elections for permanent trustees from marae in April 2018. As per previous notices to whānau TMTC have challenged KTB processes including their election processes that sought to undermine the mana of the marae to nominate its delegates to KTB. We want to be prepared for this election and ensure we have the best person for the role with the manadate of the whanau of Taemaro marae.
Please come home for the hui and wānanga on the 2nd & 3rd January 2018.
In preparation for the hui we ask individual whanau members to consider whether they or a whanau member they know have the requisite skills and commitment to represent Taemaro Marae to the KTB.
We strongly encourage those interested to register their interest by coming to our Taemaro Marae AGM and general hui on the 2nd & wānanga on the 3rd January to make yourself known to whanau, and to be part of the discussions about what we need from our delegate, a the process we will use for managing the nomination of a Taemaro Marae representative to KTB and how we will support that person.
Representing our marae is a privilege and it is demanding. It is therefore important that our representative is fully engaged with Taemaro Marae, represents the collective views of Taemaro Marae and reports back to Taemaro Marae.
The 2017 Piri Mokena Games were held at the Kaeo Rugby Club and as usual, were an awesome event! It was a great opportunity for whanau to reconnect and enjoy playing a bit of sport together (Taemaro had a netball and rugby team), eat some good kai and sell our wares.
Our Taemaro stall offered a variety of merchandise (t-shirts, calendars & jute bags) plus we had delicious homebaking, kombucha and avocados on offer. There was also a raffle comprised of beautiful things which whanau had ‘koha-ed’. Over $500 was raised!
Check out some photos from the day!
Our awesome stall selling a variety of merchandise, produce and homebaking!
Kapene in action! Tino pai!
A huge THANK YOU to all those who got involved to make it a successful day!
Kia ora whanau – The Piri Mokena Cup Games are this weekend in Kaeo. Come along. Its an awesome annual event. This year we will have a few whanau returning home so it will be neat to reconnect.
Location: The games are held at the Kaeo Rugby Club at 40 Whangaroa Road, Kaeo.
Powhiri Friday night: Alec Aperahama, Sandra and Fonz Hei Hei, Diane and Maaka Rainey will be attending the powhiri on behalf of Taemaro. Please attend and support if you are also available. I believe it is at 6pm at the Kaeo Rugby Club.
Saturday and Sunday Start time: The gates open early but the games themselves do not normally kick off til 10am.
The draw is not released until Friday night at the powhiri so rugby and netball players need to be ready to run on and play by 10am so best to get there by 9am.
Alec Aperahama and Fonz Hei Hei and Nathan are arranging the rugby team.
A marquee for the rugby players will be set up on the far side of the rugby field.
La Verne King is managing the netball team. Our netball players are:
Mena Poulsen
Anna Rainey
Rix Joyce
Rina Joyce
Ngatau Ruhi
Mihi Heynes
Bella Abraham
Stall products:
Its a real mixed bag this year.
Taemaro Merchandise: Jute bags, Calendars, T shirts
Home made baking, kombucha and home made produce.
Raffle: Jute bag + calendar + Candle + Kombucha, pickle and relish. The gentleman who won the raffle from last year was super stoked to receive his prize package.
Stall staff: We have whanau booked in to run the stall on saturday and sunday but we are likely to need another couple of helpers. If you are there, please pop by to give us a hand OR turn up with delicious home made baking to sell.
We have registered and paid for a netball team, a rugby team and a stall for this years Piri Mokena Cup Games.
The games are held over the Saturday and Sunday of Labour Weekend in Kaeo at the Kaeo Sports Grounds. Matangirau are hosting this year.
Alec Aperahama and Alfonso Hei Hei are organising the rugby team. Alec’s contact email is:
Alfonso’s contact email is:
There are uniforms.
So far we have got players from the following whanau: Tepania whanau, Abraham whanau and Ripikoi whanau.
We definitely need more players.
LaVerne King and Makere Ripikoi are managing / coaching the netball team.
So far we have the following players:
Anna Rainey, Rikki Leigh Joyce, Rina Joyce, Mihiteria Hynes, Ngatau Ruhi, Mena Poulsen.
We need about 5 more players to allow for reserves etc.
We have a neat mixed bag stall of Taemaro merchandise, home baking and home made products.
We have 5 volunteers. Can we have 3 more please?
And donations of products to sell please such as services you provide, products you make, your time etc.
The games run all day Saturday and all day Sunday.
The powhiri is on the Friday evening at the Kaeo Sports Club. That is an important event for whanau to be at and where the information regarding the draw etc for the weekend is given.
Kia ora!
Predator pest trapping is about to ramp up between Taemaro and Waimahana. NRC has funded about $8k worth of traps that have arrived and are about to be laid. The traps are for rats, stoats and possums. Any questions – contact Min Thomas or Leanne Robertson. Interested in learning and helping? Put your hand up.
Kia ora whanau
Kia ora whanau
Today the NKKW Settlement Bill was PASSED in Parliament.
Sadly not something to celebrate (you would think it would be after 143 years of trying to address grievances with the Crown!)
12 or so speeches were made by MPs.…/d…/00DBHOH_BILL68543_1/tab/video
Marama Davidson raised issues around the Crown’s role in the settlement process & specifically the Large Natural Groupings Policy (!!!!) and the Green party position that 1) settlements should not be full and final 2) settlements should be able to be revisted where claims have changed (!!!) and claimants are shut out of negotiations (!!!) Further on the Large Natural Groupings Policy Marama rightly pointed out that the policy is at the heart of the raruraru with this settlement and many others nationally. Contemporary claim on this policy anyone?
Here is a link to Hansard a transcript of the reading. Please read and stay informed!
More information to come.